Ethiopian New Year and school supplies
A big day has come for our children. Still in the New Year’s spirit, the children presented traditional songs. That day, we handed out school supplies for about 170 students for the Ethiopian year 2017 or according to the calendar known to us 2024/25. Most of the school supplies were purchased with the support of the Donor: PKO Bank Polski Foundation. Some of the supplies and backpacks came to us from Poland, more precisely from Gliwice – from the charity shop of the Stacja 6 Foundation and the parish of Our Lady Help of the Faithful and from Bydgoszcz from students and friends of our friends: Patryk, Ania and Paulina. The supplies for new students, who until recently wandered the streets without much purpose and participated in open classes during the holidays, were financed as part of the project “Comprehensive assistance to children and families at risk of social exclusion in Awassa through the resocialization of children and professional activation of their families”. Thanks are also due to the Association for the World, which sent a package with backpacks and accessories and which has been financing personal hygiene products for all our kids for a long time now. We would also like to thank the donors of the fundraiser:, we did not manage to buy shoes, which we hope to be able to hand out this week.We would like to thank everyone who contributed to this great undertaking – preparing so many school supplies. This is an investment in the future of these children, who, thanks to all of you, can study at school!Project co-financed as part of the Polish development cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.