"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."



Founder Magdalena Soboka served in a mission in Ethiopia as a Combonian Lay Missionary. She worked mainly at school, but she always divided her time into various activities for the Church, the poor, Catholic youth, women, and prisoners.

Living in Awassa, a large developing city, she faced the growing problem of street children, in the face of which she felt helpless and which did not give her peace. More and more she thought about a project that would give a chance to those (as Saint Daniel Comboni used to say) the poorest and most abandoned. Ultimately, she decided to open a rehabilitation center for street children after she returned to Ethiopia, and the foundation was to help her.


After completing the formalities in Poland, Magdalena returned to Awassa, where she lives with her husband and daughter. Since October 2019, they have been running a rehabilitation center in Awassa, where street children come and live. The foundation employs local workers in Ethiopia.

Do you want to help? Make a donation for children in Ethiopia